November 12th, 2020 – New turbo exhaust pump
We have recently upgraded our turbo exhaust pump to meet the specifications of DIN 14426. This standard allows, for example, the transfer of liquids from one place to another, the emptying of flooded cellars, the dewatering of pits, foundation shafts or cisterns. In concrete terms, this means that the cellar of a 100 m² house […]
More...November 12th, 2020 – New turbo exhaust pump
We have recently upgraded our turbo exhaust pump to meet the specifications of DIN 14426. This standard allows, for example, the transfer of liquids from one place to another, the emptying of flooded cellars, the dewatering of pits, foundation shafts or cisterns. In concrete terms, this means that the cellar of a 100 m² house […]